Annie MacHale
Friday All Day
The horizontal bar pickup technique is commonly used by indigenous weavers in North, Central and South America. We will look at woven samples to discover several variations on this technique and discuss charting methods. Students will warp their looms, and work with printed patterns to develop their own designs on the loom.
Annie will share tips for warping, making heddles, fixing mistakes, starting and stopping, and keeping selvages straight. She will also demonstrate how to temporarily remove and replace the warp, as well as how to cut the final project off the loom and handle it when it is complete.
As time and student interest allow, we can also explore a free online tool for creating patterns.
Skill Level:
Must be comfortable warping and weaving on an inkle loom.
Material fee: $0

Student Supplies:
Inkle loom, 30 heddles to fit the loom, belt or stick shuttle, sharp scissors, note-taking materials, 3 colors of smooth non-stretchy yarn of Sport or DK weight (#3 perle cotton or crochet cotton) Optional: pickup stick, laptop or tablet
Homework: None