Heavenly Bresser
Thursday PM
Expand your skills from traditional yarns to not-so-common yarns such as opposing plies. Spinning yarn this way creates an intriguing texture and has many uses. In this session, you’ll learn how to make a basic opposing ply yarn, tips for successful plying, and the many applications for these kinds of yarns which make them so valuable!
Skill level: Advanced Intermediate - Must know how to spin consistent and continuous singles yarns, plenty of experience with creating 2 and 3 ply yarns, knows how to measure grist and use a spinners control card.
Material Fee: $0

Student Supplies: 1-2 oz of wool, preferably combed top or roving (See homework for more details.)
Spinning wheel in working order or e-spinner, 2 empty bobbins: 1 for spinning, 1 for plying.
Lazy kate or equivalent for plying. Niddy noddy is optional.
Spin 2 ounces total of worsted spun, singles on two bobbins (1 oz each bobbin). These singles should have a similar grist. Spin each sample in same direction (z, clockwise).
Take notes on how you’ve spun these singles – i.e., whorl/pulley chosen or speed on e-spinner.
Check your fiber stash for 1-2 ounces of similar fiber to bring to the workshop. For example: If your singles are spun from Targhee top, then the fiber needed for the class session should be Targhee top.