The Pros and Cons of Predrafting

Maggie Casey

Sunday AM

To predraft or not to predraft that is the question?  My answer is, as usual, “it depends”.  To say there is a difference of opinion in the spinning community about predrafting is an understatement, but I think it’s a useful technique.

Predrafting is a skill, so we will start by practicing the technique. Next we will examine the difference between non predrafted and predrafted samples and see how it affects the yarn or project. We’ll spin a variety of fibers so you can make the decision if you should predraft or not.

Skill level:

Beginning spinning skills required. Students should be able to spin a continuous yarn and be comfortable with their wheel.

Material Fee: $25, fiber and handouts.

Predrafting pros and cons

Student Supplies:

Spinning wheel in good working condition and all its parts

Usual spinning accessories

Homework: None