Advanced Beginner Double-knitting

Alasdair Post-Quinn

Sunday PM

Perhaps you've tried double-knitting once or twice in the past, but are still not feeling confident in their ability to start in on a project. Perhaps you're an experienced knitter who wants a little less of a basic introduction to double-knitting. If either of those describes you, this may be the workshop for you!

In this workshop, we'll use the same techniques as in the intro workshop, but with a more complex chart. You will also learn my very clean double-knit selvedge and a variation on it.

Skill Level:
Intermediate. To take this workshop, you must be able to cast on and knit and purl comfortably in single-layer knitting. If you are familiar with the long-tail CO and some other form of two-color knitting, you will have a leg up but these are not strictly necessary. Some comfort with following knitting charts will be helpful as well.

Material fee: $0


Student Supplies:
2 distinct solid colors (1 light, 1 darker) of plain yarn in the DK to worsted weight range and a pair of straight or circular needles in an appropriate size for your chosen yarn.

Before coming to class, please watch the cast-on video ( and try the cast-on with some spare yarn. We will go over the CO in class but the more people who have already tried it, the faster we can get into the “meat” of the workshop.