Rigid Heddle Band Weaving with Pick-up

Jennifer Williams

Saturday All Day

Weave bands with beautiful pick-up patterns on a rigid heddle loom. The cleverly designed Scandinavian style rigid heddle makes weaving pick-up a joy. A cord around your waist, a warped rigid heddle, and you are ready to weave. Weaving on a backstrap rigid heddle is a tranquil experience as you are quite literally one with the loom. This workshop will teach you how to warp a rigid heddle loom and weave plain weave warp faced bands with pick-up.

Skill Level:
Beginner to Advanced Beginner - some previous weaving experience helpful but not necessary.

Material fee:
$45 includes all class materials: rigid heddle, yarn, class handouts, belt shuttle, and weaving tool kit.


Student Supplies:
Note taking supplies

Homework: None