Shading Techniques for Tapestry

Michael Jennrich

Saturday PM

This class will explore the tapestry techniques used for creating the gradual transition from one hue, value, or intensity to another, known as woven gradations. The various forms of gradation studied will include gradations of dots, wavy lines, gradations of lines, hatching, hachure, and gradations of weft blends.

Skill Level:
Moderate. Basic tapestry skills required.

Material fee:
$15.00 for warp, weft, and handouts


Student Supplies:
Come to class with one of these looms: Schacht Easel Weaver Loom, Schacht Lilli Loom or Mirrix Saffron Loom. You will also need a tapestry fork, scissors, a thin shed stick, and a yarn needle or tapestry bobbin.

Homework: None