Michael Jennrich
Thursday All Day
Basic Tapestry techniques have remained the same for centuries. Various cultures may have nuanced certain methods, but on the whole, these tried-and-true techniques have not changed. Tapestry weaving is not difficult, but because it is considered "slow cloth," it requires a great deal of patience. This class will present the foundational principles of Tapestry, focusing on warping skills, Lines, Joins, Angles and finishing techniques.
Skill Level:
Beginner. No Prerequisites.
Material fee:
$15.00 for warp, weft, and handouts
Student Supplies:
Come to class with one of these looms: Schacht Easel Weaver Loom, Schacht Lilli Loom or Mirrix Saffron Loom. You will also need a tapestry fork, scissors, a thin shed stick, and a yarn needle or tapestry bobbin.
Homework: None