Tapestry: Is It Supposed to be Hard?

Michael Jennrich

Thursday All Day

Basic Tapestry techniques have remained the same for centuries. Various cultures may have nuanced certain methods, but on the whole, these tried-and-true techniques have not changed. Tapestry weaving is not difficult, but because it is considered "slow cloth," it requires a great deal of patience. This class will present the foundational principles of Tapestry, focusing on warping skills, Lines, Joins, Angles and finishing techniques.

Skill Level:
Beginner. No Prerequisites.

Material fee:
$15.00 for warp, weft, and handouts


Student Supplies:
Come to class with one of these looms: Schacht Easel Weaver Loom, Schacht Lilli Loom or Mirrix Saffron Loom. You will also need a tapestry fork, scissors, a thin shed stick, and a yarn needle or tapestry bobbin.

Homework: None