Color & Design for Inkle Weavers

Annie MacHale

Thursday All Day

In this workshop, students will learn the techniques and artistry of inkle weaving from someone with over 4 decades as an exclusive inkle loom weaver. Students will have the opportunity to look at samples and graphic aids to learn how to use elements of color theory and pattern design to create endless variations on their own. They will also learn two methods of creating patterns using a free online tool and a chart-paper method.
They will then warp and weave the designs they create or ones supplied by the instructor.

Annie will share tips for warping, making heddles, fixing mistakes, starting and stopping, and keeping selvages straight. She will also demonstrate how to temporarily remove and replace the warp, as well as how to cut the final project off the loom and handle it when it is complete.

Skill Level:
Beginner. No Prerequisites.

Material fee: $0

A. MacHale Inkle Weaving 3 - Copy

Student Supplies:
Inkle loom, 30 heddles to fit it, belt or stick shuttle, sharp scissors, 3-5 colors of smooth non-stretchy yarn, DK or Sport weight preferred (#3 in crochet or perle cotton), note-taking materials

Homework: None